''' Handle user activity ''' from urllib.parse import urlparse from django.db import IntegrityError from fedireads import books_manager, models from fedireads.sanitize_html import InputHtmlParser def create_review_from_activity(author, activity): ''' parse an activity json blob into a status ''' book_id = activity['inReplyToBook'] book_id = book_id.split('/')[-1] name = activity.get('name') rating = activity.get('rating') content = activity.get('content') published = activity.get('published') remote_id = activity['id'] book = get_or_create_book(book_id) review = create_review(author, book, name, content, rating) review.published_date = published review.remote_id = remote_id review.save() return review def get_or_create_book(remote_id): ''' try the remote id and then figure out the right connector ''' book = get_by_absolute_id(remote_id, models.Book) if book: return book connector = get_or_create_connector(remote_id) return books_manager.get_or_create_book( remote_id, key=connector.key_name, connector_id=connector.id ) def get_or_create_connector(remote_id): ''' get the connector related to the author's server ''' url = urlparse(remote_id) identifier = url.netloc try: connector_info = models.Connector.objects.get(identifier=identifier) except models.Connector.DoesNotExist: models.Connector.objects.create( identifier=identifier, connector_file='fedireads_connector', base_url='https://%s' % identifier, books_url='https://%s/book' % identifier, covers_url='https://%s/images/covers' % identifier, search_url='https://%s/search?q=' % identifier, key_name='remote_id', priority=3 ) return books_manager.load_connector(connector_info) def create_rating(user, book, rating): ''' a review that's just a rating ''' if not rating or rating < 1 or rating > 5: raise ValueError('Invalid rating') return models.Review.objects.create( user=user, book=book, rating=rating, ) def create_review(user, book, name, content, rating): ''' a book review has been added ''' name = sanitize(name) content = sanitize(content) # no ratings outside of 0-5 if rating: rating = rating if 1 <= rating <= 5 else None else: rating = None return models.Review.objects.create( user=user, book=book, name=name, rating=rating, content=content, ) def create_quotation_from_activity(author, activity): ''' parse an activity json blob into a status ''' book = activity['inReplyToBook'] book = book.split('/')[-1] quote = activity.get('quote') content = activity.get('content') published = activity.get('published') remote_id = activity['id'] quotation = create_quotation(author, book, content, quote) quotation.published_date = published quotation.remote_id = remote_id quotation.save() return quotation def create_quotation(user, possible_book, content, quote): ''' a quotation has been added ''' # throws a value error if the book is not found book = get_or_create_book(possible_book) content = sanitize(content) quote = sanitize(quote) return models.Quotation.objects.create( user=user, book=book, content=content, quote=quote, ) def create_comment_from_activity(author, activity): ''' parse an activity json blob into a status ''' book = activity['inReplyToBook'] book = book.split('/')[-1] content = activity.get('content') published = activity.get('published') remote_id = activity['id'] comment = create_comment(author, book, content) comment.published_date = published comment.remote_id = remote_id comment.save() return comment def create_comment(user, possible_book, content): ''' a book comment has been added ''' # throws a value error if the book is not found book = get_or_create_book(possible_book) content = sanitize(content) return models.Comment.objects.create( user=user, book=book, content=content, ) def create_status_from_activity(author, activity): ''' parse a status object out of an activity json blob ''' content = activity.get('content') reply_parent_id = activity.get('inReplyTo') reply_parent = get_status(reply_parent_id) remote_id = activity['id'] if models.Status.objects.filter(remote_id=remote_id).count(): return None status = create_status(author, content, reply_parent=reply_parent, remote_id=remote_id) status.published_date = activity.get('published') status.save() return status def create_favorite_from_activity(user, activity): ''' create a new favorite entry ''' status = get_status(activity['object']) remote_id = activity['id'] try: return models.Favorite.objects.create( status=status, user=user, remote_id=remote_id, ) except IntegrityError: return models.Favorite.objects.get(status=status, user=user) def create_boost_from_activity(user, activity): ''' create a new boost activity ''' status = get_status(activity['object']) remote_id = activity['id'] try: return models.Boost.objects.create( status=status, user=user, remote_id=remote_id, ) except IntegrityError: return models.Boost.objects.get(status=status, user=user) def get_status(absolute_id): ''' find a status in the database ''' return get_by_absolute_id(absolute_id, models.Status) def get_favorite(absolute_id): ''' find a status in the database ''' return get_by_absolute_id(absolute_id, models.Favorite) def get_by_absolute_id(absolute_id, model): ''' generalized function to get from a model with a remote_id field ''' if not absolute_id: return None # check if it's a remote status try: return model.objects.get(remote_id=absolute_id) except model.DoesNotExist: pass # try finding a local status with that id local_id = absolute_id.split('/')[-1] try: if hasattr(model.objects, 'select_subclasses'): possible_match = model.objects.select_subclasses().get(id=local_id) else: possible_match = model.objects.get(id=local_id) except model.DoesNotExist: return None # make sure it's not actually a remote status with an id that # clashes with a local id if possible_match.absolute_id == absolute_id: return possible_match return None def create_status(user, content, reply_parent=None, mention_books=None, remote_id=None): ''' a status update ''' # TODO: handle @'ing users # sanitize input html parser = InputHtmlParser() parser.feed(content) content = parser.get_output() status = models.Status.objects.create( user=user, content=content, reply_parent=reply_parent, remote_id=remote_id, ) if mention_books: for book in mention_books: status.mention_books.add(book) return status def create_tag(user, possible_book, name): ''' add a tag to a book ''' book = get_or_create_book(possible_book) try: tag = models.Tag.objects.create(name=name, book=book, user=user) except IntegrityError: return models.Tag.objects.get(name=name, book=book, user=user) return tag def create_notification(user, notification_type, related_user=None, \ related_book=None, related_status=None, related_import=None): ''' let a user know when someone interacts with their content ''' if user == related_user: # don't create notification when you interact with your own stuff return models.Notification.objects.create( user=user, related_book=related_book, related_user=related_user, related_status=related_status, related_import=related_import, notification_type=notification_type, ) def sanitize(content): ''' remove invalid html from free text ''' parser = InputHtmlParser() parser.feed(content) return parser.get_output()