{% extends 'settings/layout.html' %} {% load i18n %} {% block title %}{% trans "Federated Instances" %}{% endblock %} {% block header %}{% trans "Federated Instances" %}{% endblock %} {% block edit-button %} {% trans "Add instance" %} {% endblock %} {% block panel %} {% url 'settings-federation' as url %} {% for server in servers %} {% endfor %}
{% trans "Instance name" as text %} {% include 'snippets/table-sort-header.html' with field="server_name" sort=sort text=text %} {% trans "Date federated" as text %} {% include 'snippets/table-sort-header.html' with field="created_date" sort=sort text=text %} {% trans "Software" as text %} {% include 'snippets/table-sort-header.html' with field="application_type" sort=sort text=text %} {% trans "Status" %}
{{ server.server_name }} {{ server.created_date }} {% if server.application_type %} {{ server.application_type }} {% if server.application_version %}({{ server.application_version }}){% endif %} {% endif %} {{ server.get_status_display }}
{% include 'snippets/pagination.html' with page=servers path=request.path %} {% endblock %}