{% load bookwyrm_tags %}
{% load utilities %}
{% load i18n %}
{% with next_shelf_identifier=active_shelf.shelf.identifier|next_shelf %}
{% if not dropdown %}
{% endif %}
{% for shelf in shelves %}
{% comparison_bool shelf.identifier active_shelf.shelf.identifier boolean=dropdown as is_current %}
{% if dropdown %}
{% endif %}
{% if shelf.identifier == 'reading' %}
{% if not dropdown or next_shelf_identifier != shelf.identifier %}
{% trans "Start reading" as button_text %}
{% url 'reading-status' 'start' book.id as fallback_url %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with class=class text=button_text controls_text="start_reading" controls_uid=button_uuid focus="modal_title_start_reading" disabled=is_current fallback_url=fallback_url %}
{% endif %}
{% elif shelf.identifier == 'read' %}
{% if not dropdown or next_shelf_identifier != shelf.identifier %}
{% trans "Finish reading" as button_text %}
{% url 'reading-status' 'finish' book.id as fallback_url %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with class=class text=button_text controls_text="finish_reading" controls_uid=button_uuid focus="modal_title_finish_reading" disabled=is_current fallback_url=fallback_url %}
{% endif %}
{% elif shelf.identifier == 'to-read' %}
{% if not dropdown or next_shelf_identifier != shelf.identifier %}
{% trans "Want to read" as button_text %}
{% url 'reading-status' 'want' book.id as fallback_url %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with class=class text=button_text controls_text="want_to_read" controls_uid=button_uuid focus="modal_title_want_to_read" disabled=is_current fallback_url=fallback_url %}
{% endif %}
{% elif shelf.editable %}
{% endif %}
{% if dropdown %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if dropdown %}
{% if readthrough and active_shelf.shelf.identifier != 'read' %}
{% trans "Update progress" as button_text %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with class=class text=button_text controls_text="progress_update" controls_uid=button_uuid focus="modal_title_progress_update" %}