''' activitypub model functionality ''' from functools import reduce import json import operator from base64 import b64encode from uuid import uuid4 import requests from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA from Crypto.Signature import pkcs1_15 from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 from django.apps import apps from django.core.paginator import Paginator from django.db.models import Q from django.utils.http import http_date from bookwyrm import activitypub from bookwyrm.settings import USER_AGENT, PAGE_LENGTH from bookwyrm.signatures import make_signature, make_digest from bookwyrm.tasks import app from bookwyrm.models.fields import ImageField, ManyToManyField # I tried to separate these classes into mutliple files but I kept getting # circular import errors so I gave up. I'm sure it could be done though! class ActivitypubMixin: ''' add this mixin for models that are AP serializable ''' activity_serializer = lambda: {} reverse_unfurl = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' collect some info on model fields ''' self.image_fields = [] self.many_to_many_fields = [] self.simple_fields = [] # "simple" # sort model fields by type for field in self._meta.get_fields(): if not hasattr(field, 'field_to_activity'): continue if isinstance(field, ImageField): self.image_fields.append(field) elif isinstance(field, ManyToManyField): self.many_to_many_fields.append(field) else: self.simple_fields.append(field) # a list of allll the serializable fields self.activity_fields = self.image_fields + \ self.many_to_many_fields + self.simple_fields # these are separate to avoid infinite recursion issues self.deserialize_reverse_fields = self.deserialize_reverse_fields \ if hasattr(self, 'deserialize_reverse_fields') else [] self.serialize_reverse_fields = self.serialize_reverse_fields \ if hasattr(self, 'serialize_reverse_fields') else [] super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def find_existing_by_remote_id(cls, remote_id): ''' look up a remote id in the db ''' return cls.find_existing({'id': remote_id}) @classmethod def find_existing(cls, data): ''' compare data to fields that can be used for deduplation. This always includes remote_id, but can also be unique identifiers like an isbn for an edition ''' filters = [] # grabs all the data from the model to create django queryset filters for field in cls._meta.get_fields(): if not hasattr(field, 'deduplication_field') or \ not field.deduplication_field: continue value = data.get(field.get_activitypub_field()) if not value: continue filters.append({field.name: value}) if hasattr(cls, 'origin_id') and 'id' in data: # kinda janky, but this handles special case for books filters.append({'origin_id': data['id']}) if not filters: # if there are no deduplication fields, it will match the first # item no matter what. this shouldn't happen but just in case. return None objects = cls.objects if hasattr(objects, 'select_subclasses'): objects = objects.select_subclasses() # an OR operation on all the match fields, sorry for the dense syntax match = objects.filter( reduce(operator.or_, (Q(**f) for f in filters)) ) # there OUGHT to be only one match return match.first() def broadcast(self, activity, sender, software=None): ''' send out an activity ''' broadcast_task.delay( sender.id, json.dumps(activity, cls=activitypub.ActivityEncoder), self.get_recipients(software=software) ) def get_recipients(self, software=None): ''' figure out which inbox urls to post to ''' # first we have to figure out who should receive this activity privacy = self.privacy if hasattr(self, 'privacy') else 'public' # is this activity owned by a user (statuses, lists, shelves), or is it # general to the instance (like books) user = self.user if hasattr(self, 'user') else None user_model = apps.get_model('bookwyrm.User', require_ready=True) if not user and isinstance(self, user_model): # or maybe the thing itself is a user user = self # find anyone who's tagged in a status, for example mentions = self.mention_users.all() if \ hasattr(self, 'mention_users') else [] # we always send activities to explicitly mentioned users' inboxes recipients = [u.inbox for u in mentions or []] # unless it's a dm, all the followers should receive the activity if privacy != 'direct': # we will send this out to a subset of all remote users queryset = user_model.objects.filter( local=False, ) # filter users first by whether they're using the desired software # this lets us send book updates only to other bw servers if software: queryset = queryset.filter( bookwyrm_user=(software == 'bookwyrm') ) # if there's a user, we only want to send to the user's followers if user: queryset = queryset.filter(following=user) # ideally, we will send to shared inboxes for efficiency shared_inboxes = queryset.filter( shared_inbox__isnull=False ).values_list('shared_inbox', flat=True).distinct() # but not everyone has a shared inbox inboxes = queryset.filter( shared_inbox__isnull=True ).values_list('inbox', flat=True) recipients += list(shared_inboxes) + list(inboxes) return recipients def to_activity(self): ''' convert from a model to an activity ''' activity = generate_activity(self) return self.activity_serializer(**activity).serialize() class ObjectMixin(ActivitypubMixin): ''' add this mixin for object models that are AP serializable ''' def save(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' broadcast created/updated/deleted objects as appropriate ''' broadcast = kwargs.get('broadcast', True) # this bonus kwarg woul cause an error in the base save method if 'broadcast' in kwargs: del kwargs['broadcast'] created = not bool(self.id) # first off, we want to save normally no matter what super().save(*args, **kwargs) if not broadcast: return # this will work for objects owned by a user (lists, shelves) user = self.user if hasattr(self, 'user') else None if created: # broadcast Create activities for objects owned by a local user if not user or not user.local: return try: activity = self.to_create_activity(user) except KeyError: # janky as heck, this catches the mutliple inheritence chain # for boosts and ignores this auxilliary broadcast return self.broadcast(activity, user) return # --- updating an existing object if not user: # users don't have associated users, they ARE users user_model = apps.get_model('bookwyrm.User', require_ready=True) if isinstance(self, user_model): user = self # book data tracks last editor elif hasattr(self, 'last_edited_by'): user = self.last_edited_by # again, if we don't know the user or they're remote, don't bother if not user or not user.local: return # is this a deletion? if hasattr(self, 'deleted') and self.deleted: activity = self.to_delete_activity(user) else: activity = self.to_update_activity(user) self.broadcast(activity, user) def to_create_activity(self, user, **kwargs): ''' returns the object wrapped in a Create activity ''' activity_object = self.to_activity(**kwargs) signature = None create_id = self.remote_id + '/activity' if 'content' in activity_object: signer = pkcs1_15.new(RSA.import_key(user.key_pair.private_key)) content = activity_object['content'] signed_message = signer.sign(SHA256.new(content.encode('utf8'))) signature = activitypub.Signature( creator='%s#main-key' % user.remote_id, created=activity_object['published'], signatureValue=b64encode(signed_message).decode('utf8') ) return activitypub.Create( id=create_id, actor=user.remote_id, to=activity_object['to'], cc=activity_object['cc'], object=activity_object, signature=signature, ).serialize() def to_delete_activity(self, user): ''' notice of deletion ''' return activitypub.Delete( id=self.remote_id + '/activity', actor=user.remote_id, to=['%s/followers' % user.remote_id], cc=['https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'], object=self.to_activity(), ).serialize() def to_update_activity(self, user): ''' wrapper for Updates to an activity ''' activity_id = '%s#update/%s' % (self.remote_id, uuid4()) return activitypub.Update( id=activity_id, actor=user.remote_id, to=['https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'], object=self.to_activity() ).serialize() class OrderedCollectionPageMixin(ObjectMixin): ''' just the paginator utilities, so you don't HAVE to override ActivitypubMixin's to_activity (ie, for outbox) ''' @property def collection_remote_id(self): ''' this can be overriden if there's a special remote id, ie outbox ''' return self.remote_id def to_ordered_collection(self, queryset, \ remote_id=None, page=False, collection_only=False, **kwargs): ''' an ordered collection of whatevers ''' if not queryset.ordered: raise RuntimeError('queryset must be ordered') remote_id = remote_id or self.remote_id if page: return to_ordered_collection_page( queryset, remote_id, **kwargs) if collection_only or not hasattr(self, 'activity_serializer'): serializer = activitypub.OrderedCollection activity = {} else: serializer = self.activity_serializer # a dict from the model fields activity = generate_activity(self) if remote_id: activity['id'] = remote_id paginated = Paginator(queryset, PAGE_LENGTH) # add computed fields specific to orderd collections activity['totalItems'] = paginated.count activity['first'] = '%s?page=1' % remote_id activity['last'] = '%s?page=%d' % (remote_id, paginated.num_pages) return serializer(**activity).serialize() class OrderedCollectionMixin(OrderedCollectionPageMixin): ''' extends activitypub models to work as ordered collections ''' @property def collection_queryset(self): ''' usually an ordered collection model aggregates a different model ''' raise NotImplementedError('Model must define collection_queryset') activity_serializer = activitypub.OrderedCollection def to_activity(self, **kwargs): ''' an ordered collection of the specified model queryset ''' return self.to_ordered_collection(self.collection_queryset, **kwargs) class CollectionItemMixin(ActivitypubMixin): ''' for items that are part of an (Ordered)Collection ''' activity_serializer = activitypub.Add object_field = collection_field = None def save(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' broadcast updated ''' created = not bool(self.id) # first off, we want to save normally no matter what super().save(*args, **kwargs) # these shouldn't be edited, only created and deleted if not created or not self.user.local: return # adding an obj to the collection activity = self.to_add_activity() self.broadcast(activity, self.user) def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' broadcast a remove activity ''' activity = self.to_remove_activity() super().delete(*args, **kwargs) self.broadcast(activity, self.user) def to_add_activity(self): ''' AP for shelving a book''' object_field = getattr(self, self.object_field) collection_field = getattr(self, self.collection_field) return activitypub.Add( id='%s#add' % self.remote_id, actor=self.user.remote_id, object=object_field.to_activity(), target=collection_field.remote_id ).serialize() def to_remove_activity(self): ''' AP for un-shelving a book''' object_field = getattr(self, self.object_field) collection_field = getattr(self, self.collection_field) return activitypub.Remove( id='%s#remove' % self.remote_id, actor=self.user.remote_id, object=object_field.to_activity(), target=collection_field.remote_id ).serialize() class ActivityMixin(ActivitypubMixin): ''' add this mixin for models that are AP serializable ''' def save(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' broadcast activity ''' super().save(*args, **kwargs) user = self.user if hasattr(self, 'user') else self.user_subject self.broadcast(self.to_activity(), user) def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' nevermind, undo that activity ''' user = self.user if hasattr(self, 'user') else self.user_subject self.broadcast(self.to_undo_activity(), user) super().delete(*args, **kwargs) def to_undo_activity(self): ''' undo an action ''' user = self.user if hasattr(self, 'user') else self.user_subject return activitypub.Undo( id='%s#undo' % self.remote_id, actor=user.remote_id, object=self.to_activity() ).serialize() def generate_activity(obj): ''' go through the fields on an object ''' activity = {} for field in obj.activity_fields: field.set_activity_from_field(activity, obj) if hasattr(obj, 'serialize_reverse_fields'): # for example, editions of a work for model_field_name, activity_field_name, sort_field in \ obj.serialize_reverse_fields: related_field = getattr(obj, model_field_name) activity[activity_field_name] = \ unfurl_related_field(related_field, sort_field) if not activity.get('id'): activity['id'] = obj.get_remote_id() return activity def unfurl_related_field(related_field, sort_field=None): ''' load reverse lookups (like public key owner or Status attachment ''' if hasattr(related_field, 'all'): return [unfurl_related_field(i) for i in related_field.order_by( sort_field).all()] if related_field.reverse_unfurl: return related_field.field_to_activity() return related_field.remote_id @app.task def broadcast_task(sender_id, activity, recipients): ''' the celery task for broadcast ''' user_model = apps.get_model('bookwyrm.User', require_ready=True) sender = user_model.objects.get(id=sender_id) errors = [] for recipient in recipients: try: sign_and_send(sender, activity, recipient) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: errors.append({ 'error': str(e), 'recipient': recipient, 'activity': activity, }) return errors def sign_and_send(sender, data, destination): ''' crpyto whatever and http junk ''' now = http_date() if not sender.key_pair.private_key: # this shouldn't happen. it would be bad if it happened. raise ValueError('No private key found for sender') digest = make_digest(data) response = requests.post( destination, data=data, headers={ 'Date': now, 'Digest': digest, 'Signature': make_signature(sender, destination, now, digest), 'Content-Type': 'application/activity+json; charset=utf-8', 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT, }, ) if not response.ok: response.raise_for_status() return response # pylint: disable=unused-argument def to_ordered_collection_page( queryset, remote_id, id_only=False, page=1, **kwargs): ''' serialize and pagiante a queryset ''' paginated = Paginator(queryset, PAGE_LENGTH) activity_page = paginated.page(page) if id_only: items = [s.remote_id for s in activity_page.object_list] else: items = [s.to_activity() for s in activity_page.object_list] prev_page = next_page = None if activity_page.has_next(): next_page = '%s?page=%d' % (remote_id, activity_page.next_page_number()) if activity_page.has_previous(): prev_page = '%s?page=%d' % \ (remote_id, activity_page.previous_page_number()) return activitypub.OrderedCollectionPage( id='%s?page=%s' % (remote_id, page), partOf=remote_id, orderedItems=items, next=next_page, prev=prev_page ).serialize()