''' Handle user activity ''' from base64 import b64encode from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA from Crypto.Signature import pkcs1_15 from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 from uuid import uuid4 from fedireads import models from fedireads.openlibrary import get_or_create_book from fedireads.sanitize_html import InputHtmlParser from fedireads.settings import DOMAIN def create_review(user, possible_book, name, content, rating): ''' a book review has been added ''' # throws a value error if the book is not found book = get_or_create_book(possible_book) # sanitize review html parser = InputHtmlParser() parser.feed(content) content = parser.get_output() # no ratings outside of 0-5 rating = rating if 0 <= rating <= 5 else 0 return models.Review.objects.create( user=user, book=book, name=name, rating=rating, content=content, ) def create_status(user, content, reply_parent=None): ''' a status update ''' # TODO: handle @'ing users # sanitize input html parser = InputHtmlParser() parser.feed(content) content = parser.get_output() return models.Status.objects.create( user=user, content=content, reply_parent=reply_parent, ) def get_status_json(status): ''' create activitypub json for a status ''' user = status.user uri = 'https://%s/user/%s/status/%d' % (DOMAIN, user.localname, status.id) reply_parent_id = status.reply_parent.id if status.reply_parent else None status_json = { 'id': uri, 'url': uri, 'inReplyTo': reply_parent_id, 'published': status.created_date.isoformat(), 'attributedTo': user.actor, # TODO: assuming all posts are public -- should check privacy db field 'to': ['https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'], 'cc': ['https://%s/user/%s/followers' % (DOMAIN, user.localname)], 'sensitive': status.sensitive, 'content': status.content, 'type': status.activity_type, 'fedireadsType': status.status_type, 'attachment': [], # TODO: the book cover 'replies': { 'id': '%s/replies' % uri, 'type': 'Collection', 'first': { 'type': 'CollectionPage', 'next': '%s/replies?only_other_accounts=true&page=true' % uri, 'partOf': '%s/replies' % uri, 'items': [], # TODO: populate with replies } } } if status.status_type == 'Review': status_json['name'] = status.name, status_json['rating'] = status.rating status_json['fedireadsType'] = status.status_type return status_json def get_create_json(user, status_json): ''' create activitypub json for a Create activity ''' signer = pkcs1_15.new(RSA.import_key(user.private_key)) content = status_json['content'] signed_message = signer.sign(SHA256.new(content.encode('utf8'))) return { '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', 'id': '%s/activity' % status_json['id'], 'type': 'Create', 'actor': user.actor, 'published': status_json['published'], 'to': ['%s/followers' % user.actor], 'cc': ['https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'], 'object': status_json, 'signature': { 'type': 'RsaSignature2017', 'creator': 'https://%s/user/%s#main-key' % (DOMAIN, user.localname), 'created': status_json['published'], 'signatureValue': b64encode(signed_message).decode('utf8'), } } def get_add_remove_json(user, book, shelf, action='Add'): ''' format an Add or Remove json blob ''' uuid = uuid4() return { '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', 'id': str(uuid), 'type': action, 'actor': user.actor, 'object': { 'type': 'Document', 'name': book.data['title'], 'url': book.openlibrary_key }, 'target': { 'type': 'Collection', 'name': shelf.name, 'id': 'https://%s/user/%s/shelf/%s' % \ (DOMAIN, user.localname, shelf.identifier) } }