320 lines
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320 lines
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""" access the activity streams stored in redis """
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.db.models import signals, Q
from bookwyrm import models
from bookwyrm.redis_store import RedisStore, r
from bookwyrm.settings import STREAMS
from bookwyrm.views.helpers import privacy_filter
class ActivityStream(RedisStore):
"""a category of activity stream (like home, local, federated)"""
def stream_id(self, user):
"""the redis key for this user's instance of this stream"""
return "{}-{}".format(user.id, self.key)
def unread_id(self, user):
"""the redis key for this user's unread count for this stream"""
return "{}-unread".format(self.stream_id(user))
def get_rank(self, obj): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
"""statuses are sorted by date published"""
return obj.published_date.timestamp()
def add_status(self, status):
"""add a status to users' feeds"""
# the pipeline contains all the add-to-stream activities
pipeline = self.add_object_to_related_stores(status, execute=False)
for user in self.get_audience(status):
# add to the unread status count
# and go!
def add_user_statuses(self, viewer, user):
"""add a user's statuses to another user's feed"""
# only add the statuses that the viewer should be able to see (ie, not dms)
statuses = privacy_filter(viewer, user.status_set.all())
self.bulk_add_objects_to_store(statuses, self.stream_id(viewer))
def remove_user_statuses(self, viewer, user):
"""remove a user's status from another user's feed"""
# remove all so that followers only statuses are removed
statuses = user.status_set.all()
self.bulk_remove_objects_from_store(statuses, self.stream_id(viewer))
def get_activity_stream(self, user):
"""load the statuses to be displayed"""
# clear unreads for this feed
r.set(self.unread_id(user), 0)
statuses = self.get_store(self.stream_id(user))
return (
.select_related("user", "reply_parent")
.prefetch_related("mention_books", "mention_users")
def get_unread_count(self, user):
"""get the unread status count for this user's feed"""
return int(r.get(self.unread_id(user)) or 0)
def populate_streams(self, user):
"""go from zero to a timeline"""
def get_audience(self, status): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
"""given a status, what users should see it"""
# direct messages don't appeard in feeds, direct comments/reviews/etc do
if status.privacy == "direct" and status.status_type == "Note":
return []
# everybody who could plausibly see this status
audience = models.User.objects.filter(
local=True, # we only create feeds for users of this instance
Q(id__in=status.user.blocks.all()) | Q(blocks=status.user) # not blocked
# only visible to the poster and mentioned users
if status.privacy == "direct":
audience = audience.filter(
Q(id=status.user.id) # if the user is the post's author
| Q(id__in=status.mention_users.all()) # if the user is mentioned
# only visible to the poster's followers and tagged users
elif status.privacy == "followers":
audience = audience.filter(
Q(id=status.user.id) # if the user is the post's author
| Q(following=status.user) # if the user is following the author
return audience.distinct()
def get_stores_for_object(self, obj):
return [self.stream_id(u) for u in self.get_audience(obj)]
def get_statuses_for_user(self, user): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
"""given a user, what statuses should they see on this stream"""
return privacy_filter(
privacy_levels=["public", "unlisted", "followers"],
def get_objects_for_store(self, store):
user = models.User.objects.get(id=store.split("-")[0])
return self.get_statuses_for_user(user)
class HomeStream(ActivityStream):
"""users you follow"""
key = "home"
def get_audience(self, status):
audience = super().get_audience(status)
if not audience:
return []
return audience.filter(
Q(id=status.user.id) # if the user is the post's author
| Q(following=status.user) # if the user is following the author
def get_statuses_for_user(self, user):
return privacy_filter(
privacy_levels=["public", "unlisted", "followers"],
class LocalStream(ActivityStream):
"""users you follow"""
key = "local"
def get_audience(self, status):
# this stream wants no part in non-public statuses
if status.privacy != "public" or not status.user.local:
return []
return super().get_audience(status)
def get_statuses_for_user(self, user):
# all public statuses by a local user
return privacy_filter(
class BooksStream(ActivityStream):
"""books on your shelves"""
key = "books"
def get_audience(self, status):
"""anyone with the mentioned book on their shelves"""
# only show public statuses on the books feed,
# and only statuses that mention books
if status.privacy != "public" or not (
status.mention_books.exists() or hasattr(status, "book")
return []
work = (
if hasattr(status, "book")
else status.mention_books.first().parent_work
audience = super().get_audience(status)
if not audience:
return []
return audience.filter(shelfbook__book__parent_work=work).distinct()
def get_statuses_for_user(self, user):
"""any public status that mentions the user's books"""
books = user.shelfbook_set.values_list(
"book__parent_work__id", flat=True
return privacy_filter(
| Q(quotation__book__parent_work__id__in=books)
| Q(review__book__parent_work__id__in=books)
| Q(mention_books__parent_work__id__in=books)
# determine which streams are enabled in settings.py
available_streams = [s["key"] for s in STREAMS]
streams = {
k: v
for (k, v) in {
"home": HomeStream(),
"local": LocalStream(),
"books": BooksStream(),
if k in available_streams
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def add_status_on_create(sender, instance, created, *args, **kwargs):
"""add newly created statuses to activity feeds"""
# we're only interested in new statuses
if not issubclass(sender, models.Status):
if instance.deleted:
for stream in streams.values():
if not created:
# iterates through Home, Local, Federated
for stream in streams.values():
if sender != models.Boost:
# remove the original post and other, earlier boosts
boosted = instance.boost.boosted_status
old_versions = models.Boost.objects.filter(
for stream in streams.values():
for status in old_versions:
@receiver(signals.post_delete, sender=models.Boost)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def remove_boost_on_delete(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs):
"""boosts are deleted"""
# we're only interested in new statuses
for stream in streams.values():
# remove the boost
# re-add the original status
@receiver(signals.post_save, sender=models.UserFollows)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def add_statuses_on_follow(sender, instance, created, *args, **kwargs):
"""add a newly followed user's statuses to feeds"""
if not created or not instance.user_subject.local:
HomeStream().add_user_statuses(instance.user_subject, instance.user_object)
@receiver(signals.post_delete, sender=models.UserFollows)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def remove_statuses_on_unfollow(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs):
"""remove statuses from a feed on unfollow"""
if not instance.user_subject.local:
HomeStream().remove_user_statuses(instance.user_subject, instance.user_object)
@receiver(signals.post_save, sender=models.UserBlocks)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def remove_statuses_on_block(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs):
"""remove statuses from all feeds on block"""
# blocks apply ot all feeds
if instance.user_subject.local:
for stream in streams.values():
stream.remove_user_statuses(instance.user_subject, instance.user_object)
# and in both directions
if instance.user_object.local:
for stream in streams.values():
stream.remove_user_statuses(instance.user_object, instance.user_subject)
@receiver(signals.post_delete, sender=models.UserBlocks)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def add_statuses_on_unblock(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs):
"""remove statuses from all feeds on block"""
public_streams = [LocalStream(), FederatedStream()]
# add statuses back to streams with statuses from anyone
if instance.user_subject.local:
for stream in public_streams:
stream.add_user_statuses(instance.user_subject, instance.user_object)
# add statuses back to streams with statuses from anyone
if instance.user_object.local:
for stream in public_streams:
stream.add_user_statuses(instance.user_object, instance.user_subject)
@receiver(signals.post_save, sender=models.User)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def populate_streams_on_account_create(sender, instance, created, *args, **kwargs):
"""build a user's feeds when they join"""
if not created or not instance.local:
for stream in streams.values():