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2022-11-15 10:53:25 -05:00
import numpy as np
import copy
import math
from scipy.stats import norm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
dlblue = '#0096ff'; dlorange = '#FF9300'; dldarkred='#C00000'; dlmagenta='#FF40FF'; dlpurple='#7030A0';'./deeplearning.mplstyle')
def load_data_multi():
data = np.loadtxt("data/ex1data2.txt", delimiter=',')
X = data[:,:2]
y = data[:,2]
return X, y
# Plotting Routines
def plt_house_x(X, y,f_wb=None, ax=None):
''' plot house with aXis '''
if not ax:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
ax.scatter(X, y, marker='x', c='r', label="Actual Value")
ax.set_title("Housing Prices")
ax.set_ylabel('Price (in 1000s of dollars)')
ax.set_xlabel(f'Size (1000 sqft)')
if f_wb is not None:
ax.plot(X, f_wb, c=dlblue, label="Our Prediction")
def mk_cost_lines(x,y,w,b, ax):
''' makes vertical cost lines'''
cstr = "cost = (1/2m)*1000*("
ctot = 0
label = 'cost for point'
for p in zip(x,y):
f_wb_p = w*p[0]+b
c_p = ((f_wb_p - p[1])**2)/2
c_p_txt = c_p/1000
ax.vlines(p[0], p[1],f_wb_p, lw=3, color=dlpurple, ls='dotted', label=label)
label='' #just one
cxy = [p[0], p[1] + (f_wb_p-p[1])/2]
ax.annotate(f'{c_p_txt:0.0f}', xy=cxy, xycoords='data',color=dlpurple,
xytext=(5, 0), textcoords='offset points')
cstr += f"{c_p_txt:0.0f} +"
ctot += c_p
ctot = ctot/(len(x))
cstr = cstr[:-1] + f") = {ctot:0.0f}"
ax.text(0.15,0.02,cstr, transform=ax.transAxes, color=dlpurple)
def inbounds(a,b,xlim,ylim):
xlow,xhigh = xlim
ylow,yhigh = ylim
ax, ay = a
bx, by = b
if (ax > xlow and ax < xhigh) and (bx > xlow and bx < xhigh) \
and (ay > ylow and ay < yhigh) and (by > ylow and by < yhigh):
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
def plt_contour_wgrad(x, y, hist, ax, w_range=[-100, 500, 5], b_range=[-500, 500, 5],
contours = [0.1,50,1000,5000,10000,25000,50000],
resolution=5, w_final=200, b_final=100,step=10 ):
b0,w0 = np.meshgrid(np.arange(*b_range),np.arange(*w_range))
n,_ = w0.shape
for i in range(w0.shape[0]):
for j in range(w0.shape[1]):
z[i][j] = compute_cost(x, y, w0[i][j], b0[i][j] )
CS = ax.contour(w0, b0, z, contours, linewidths=2,
colors=[dlblue, dlorange, dldarkred, dlmagenta, dlpurple])
ax.clabel(CS, inline=1, fmt='%1.0f', fontsize=10)
ax.set_xlabel("w"); ax.set_ylabel("b")
ax.set_title('Contour plot of cost J(w,b), vs b,w with path of gradient descent')
w = w_final; b=b_final
ax.hlines(b, ax.get_xlim()[0],w, lw=2, color=dlpurple, ls='dotted')
ax.vlines(w, ax.get_ylim()[0],b, lw=2, color=dlpurple, ls='dotted')
base = hist[0]
for point in hist[0::step]:
edist = np.sqrt((base[0] - point[0])**2 + (base[1] - point[1])**2)
if(edist > resolution or point==hist[-1]):
if inbounds(point,base, ax.get_xlim(),ax.get_ylim()):
plt.annotate('', xy=point, xytext=base,xycoords='data',
arrowprops={'arrowstyle': '->', 'color': 'r', 'lw': 3},
va='center', ha='center')
# plots p1 vs p2. Prange is an array of entries [min, max, steps]. In feature scaling lab.
def plt_contour_multi(x, y, w, b, ax, prange, p1, p2, title="", xlabel="", ylabel=""):
contours = [1e2, 2e2,3e2,4e2, 5e2, 6e2, 7e2,8e2,1e3, 1.25e3,1.5e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7]
px,py = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(*(prange[p1])),np.linspace(*(prange[p2])))
n,_ = px.shape
for i in range(px.shape[0]):
for j in range(px.shape[1]):
w_ij = w
b_ij = b
if p1 <= 3: w_ij[p1] = px[i,j]
if p1 == 4: b_ij = px[i,j]
if p2 <= 3: w_ij[p2] = py[i,j]
if p2 == 4: b_ij = py[i,j]
z[i][j] = compute_cost(x, y, w_ij, b_ij )
CS = ax.contour(px, py, z, contours, linewidths=2,
colors=[dlblue, dlorange, dldarkred, dlmagenta, dlpurple])
ax.clabel(CS, inline=1, fmt='%1.2e', fontsize=10)
ax.set_xlabel(xlabel); ax.set_ylabel(ylabel)
ax.set_title(title, fontsize=14)
def plt_equal_scale(X_train, X_norm, y_train):
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(12,5))
prange = [
[ 0.238-0.045, 0.238+0.045, 50],
[-25.77326319-0.045, -25.77326319+0.045, 50],
[-50000, 0, 50],
[-1500, 0, 50],
[0, 200000, 50]]
w_best = np.array([0.23844318, -25.77326319, -58.11084634, -1.57727192])
b_best = 235
plt_contour_multi(X_train, y_train, w_best, b_best, ax[0], prange, 0, 1,
title='Unnormalized, J(w,b), vs w[0],w[1]',
xlabel= "w[0] (size(sqft))", ylabel="w[1] (# bedrooms)")
w_best = np.array([111.1972, -16.75480051, -28.51530411, -37.17305735])
b_best = 376.949151515151
prange = [[ 111-50, 111+50, 75],
[-16.75-50,-16.75+50, 75],
[-28.5-8, -28.5+8, 50],
[-37.1-16,-37.1+16, 50],
[376-150, 376+150, 50]]
plt_contour_multi(X_norm, y_train, w_best, b_best, ax[1], prange, 0, 1,
title='Normalized, J(w,b), vs w[0],w[1]',
xlabel= "w[0] (normalized size(sqft))", ylabel="w[1] (normalized # bedrooms)")
fig.suptitle("Cost contour with equal scale", fontsize=18)
def plt_divergence(p_hist, J_hist, x_train,y_train):
for i in range(len(p_hist)):
x[i] = p_hist[i][0]
y[i] = p_hist[i][1]
v[i] = J_hist[i]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5))
plt.subplots_adjust( wspace=0 )
gs = fig.add_gridspec(1, 5)
fig.suptitle(f"Cost escalates when learning rate is too large")
# First subplot
ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[:2], )
# Print w vs cost to see minimum
fix_b = 100
w_array = np.arange(-70000, 70000, 1000)
cost = np.zeros_like(w_array)
for i in range(len(w_array)):
tmp_w = w_array[i]
cost[i] = compute_cost(x_train, y_train, tmp_w, fix_b)
ax.plot(w_array, cost)
ax.plot(x,v, c=dlmagenta)
ax.set_title("Cost vs w, b set to 100")
# Second Subplot
tmp_b,tmp_w = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-35000, 35000, 500),np.arange(-70000, 70000, 500))
for i in range(tmp_w.shape[0]):
for j in range(tmp_w.shape[1]):
z[i][j] = compute_cost(x_train, y_train, tmp_w[i][j], tmp_b[i][j] )
ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[2:], projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(tmp_w, tmp_b, z, alpha=0.3, color=dlblue)
ax.set_xlabel('w', fontsize=16)
ax.set_ylabel('b', fontsize=16)
ax.set_zlabel('\ncost', fontsize=16)
plt.title('Cost vs (b, w)')
# Customize the view angle
ax.view_init(elev=20., azim=-65)
ax.plot(x, y, v,c=dlmagenta)
# draw derivative line
# y = m*(x - x1) + y1
def add_line(dj_dx, x1, y1, d, ax):
x = np.linspace(x1-d, x1+d,50)
y = dj_dx*(x - x1) + y1
ax.scatter(x1, y1, color=dlblue, s=50)
ax.plot(x, y, '--', c=dldarkred,zorder=10, linewidth = 1)
xoff = 30 if x1 == 200 else 10
ax.annotate(r"$\frac{\partial J}{\partial w}$ =%d" % dj_dx, fontsize=14,
xy=(x1, y1), xycoords='data',
xytext=(xoff, 10), textcoords='offset points',
horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top')
def plt_gradients(x_train,y_train, f_compute_cost, f_compute_gradient):
# First subplot
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(12,4))
# Print w vs cost to see minimum
fix_b = 100
w_array = np.linspace(-100, 500, 50)
w_array = np.linspace(0, 400, 50)
cost = np.zeros_like(w_array)
for i in range(len(w_array)):
tmp_w = w_array[i]
cost[i] = f_compute_cost(x_train, y_train, tmp_w, fix_b)
ax[0].plot(w_array, cost,linewidth=1)
ax[0].set_title("Cost vs w, with gradient; b set to 100")
# plot lines for fixed b=100
for tmp_w in [100,200,300]:
fix_b = 100
dj_dw,dj_db = f_compute_gradient(x_train, y_train, tmp_w, fix_b )
j = f_compute_cost(x_train, y_train, tmp_w, fix_b)
add_line(dj_dw, tmp_w, j, 30, ax[0])
# Second Subplot
tmp_b,tmp_w = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-200, 200, 10), np.linspace(-100, 600, 10))
U = np.zeros_like(tmp_w)
V = np.zeros_like(tmp_b)
for i in range(tmp_w.shape[0]):
for j in range(tmp_w.shape[1]):
U[i][j], V[i][j] = f_compute_gradient(x_train, y_train, tmp_w[i][j], tmp_b[i][j] )
X = tmp_w
Y = tmp_b
color_array = np.sqrt(((V-n)/2)**2 + ((U-n)/2)**2)
ax[1].set_title('Gradient shown in quiver plot')
Q = ax[1].quiver(X, Y, U, V, color_array, units='width', )
qk = ax[1].quiverkey(Q, 0.9, 0.9, 2, r'$2 \frac{m}{s}$', labelpos='E',coordinates='figure')
ax[1].set_xlabel("w"); ax[1].set_ylabel("b")
def norm_plot(ax, data):
scale = (np.max(data) - np.min(data))*0.2
x = np.linspace(np.min(data)-scale,np.max(data)+scale,50)
_,bins, _ = ax.hist(data, x, color="xkcd:azure")
mu = np.mean(data);
std = np.std(data);
dist = norm.pdf(bins, loc=mu, scale = std)
axr = ax.twinx()
axr.plot(bins,dist, color = "orangered", lw=2)
def plot_cost_i_w(X,y,hist):
ws = np.array([ p[0] for p in hist["params"]])
rng = max(abs(ws[:,0].min()),abs(ws[:,0].max()))
wr = np.linspace(-rng+0.27,rng+0.27,20)
cst = [compute_cost(X,y,np.array([wr[i],-32, -67, -1.46]), 221) for i in range(len(wr))]
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(12,3))
ax[0].plot(hist["iter"], (hist["cost"])); ax[0].set_title("Cost vs Iteration")
ax[0].set_xlabel("iteration"); ax[0].set_ylabel("Cost")
ax[1].plot(wr, cst); ax[1].set_title("Cost vs w[0]")
ax[1].set_xlabel("w[0]"); ax[1].set_ylabel("Cost")
# Regression Routines
def compute_gradient_matrix(X, y, w, b):
Computes the gradient for linear regression
X : (array_like Shape (m,n)) variable such as house size
y : (array_like Shape (m,1)) actual value
w : (array_like Shape (n,1)) Values of parameters of the model
b : (scalar ) Values of parameter of the model
dj_dw: (array_like Shape (n,1)) The gradient of the cost w.r.t. the parameters w.
dj_db: (scalar) The gradient of the cost w.r.t. the parameter b.
m,n = X.shape
f_wb = X @ w + b
e = f_wb - y
dj_dw = (1/m) * (X.T @ e)
dj_db = (1/m) * np.sum(e)
return dj_db,dj_dw
#Function to calculate the cost
def compute_cost_matrix(X, y, w, b, verbose=False):
Computes the gradient for linear regression
X : (array_like Shape (m,n)) variable such as house size
y : (array_like Shape (m,)) actual value
w : (array_like Shape (n,)) parameters of the model
b : (scalar ) parameter of the model
verbose : (Boolean) If true, print out intermediate value f_wb
cost: (scalar)
m,n = X.shape
# calculate f_wb for all examples.
f_wb = X @ w + b
# calculate cost
total_cost = (1/(2*m)) * np.sum((f_wb-y)**2)
if verbose: print("f_wb:")
if verbose: print(f_wb)
return total_cost
# Loop version of multi-variable compute_cost
def compute_cost(X, y, w, b):
compute cost
X : (ndarray): Shape (m,n) matrix of examples with multiple features
w : (ndarray): Shape (n) parameters for prediction
b : (scalar): parameter for prediction
cost: (scalar) cost
m = X.shape[0]
cost = 0.0
for i in range(m):
f_wb_i =[i],w) + b
cost = cost + (f_wb_i - y[i])**2
cost = cost/(2*m)
def compute_gradient(X, y, w, b):
Computes the gradient for linear regression
X : (ndarray Shape (m,n)) matrix of examples
y : (ndarray Shape (m,)) target value of each example
w : (ndarray Shape (n,)) parameters of the model
b : (scalar) parameter of the model
dj_dw : (ndarray Shape (n,)) The gradient of the cost w.r.t. the parameters w.
dj_db : (scalar) The gradient of the cost w.r.t. the parameter b.
m,n = X.shape #(number of examples, number of features)
dj_dw = np.zeros((n,))
dj_db = 0.
for i in range(m):
err = ([i], w) + b) - y[i]
for j in range(n):
dj_dw[j] = dj_dw[j] + err * X[i,j]
dj_db = dj_db + err
dj_dw = dj_dw/m
dj_db = dj_db/m
return dj_db,dj_dw
#This version saves more values and is more verbose than the assigment versons
def gradient_descent_houses(X, y, w_in, b_in, cost_function, gradient_function, alpha, num_iters):
Performs batch gradient descent to learn theta. Updates theta by taking
num_iters gradient steps with learning rate alpha
X : (array_like Shape (m,n) matrix of examples
y : (array_like Shape (m,)) target value of each example
w_in : (array_like Shape (n,)) Initial values of parameters of the model
b_in : (scalar) Initial value of parameter of the model
cost_function: function to compute cost
gradient_function: function to compute the gradient
alpha : (float) Learning rate
num_iters : (int) number of iterations to run gradient descent
w : (array_like Shape (n,)) Updated values of parameters of the model after
running gradient descent
b : (scalar) Updated value of parameter of the model after
running gradient descent
# number of training examples
m = len(X)
# An array to store values at each iteration primarily for graphing later
hist["cost"] = []; hist["params"] = []; hist["grads"]=[]; hist["iter"]=[];
w = copy.deepcopy(w_in) #avoid modifying global w within function
b = b_in
save_interval = np.ceil(num_iters/10000) # prevent resource exhaustion for long runs
print(f"Iteration Cost w0 w1 w2 w3 b djdw0 djdw1 djdw2 djdw3 djdb ")
for i in range(num_iters):
# Calculate the gradient and update the parameters
dj_db,dj_dw = gradient_function(X, y, w, b)
# Update Parameters using w, b, alpha and gradient
w = w - alpha * dj_dw
b = b - alpha * dj_db
# Save cost J,w,b at each save interval for graphing
if i == 0 or i % save_interval == 0:
hist["cost"].append(cost_function(X, y, w, b))
# Print cost every at intervals 10 times or as many iterations if < 10
if i% math.ceil(num_iters/10) == 0:
#print(f"Iteration {i:4d}: Cost {cost_function(X, y, w, b):8.2f} ")
cst = cost_function(X, y, w, b)
print(f"{i:9d} {cst:0.5e} {w[0]: 0.1e} {w[1]: 0.1e} {w[2]: 0.1e} {w[3]: 0.1e} {b: 0.1e} {dj_dw[0]: 0.1e} {dj_dw[1]: 0.1e} {dj_dw[2]: 0.1e} {dj_dw[3]: 0.1e} {dj_db: 0.1e}")
return w, b, hist #return w,b and history for graphing
def run_gradient_descent(X,y,iterations=1000, alpha = 1e-6):
m,n = X.shape
# initialize parameters
initial_w = np.zeros(n)
initial_b = 0
# run gradient descent
w_out, b_out, hist_out = gradient_descent_houses(X ,y, initial_w, initial_b,
compute_cost, compute_gradient_matrix, alpha, iterations)
print(f"w,b found by gradient descent: w: {w_out}, b: {b_out:0.2f}")
return(w_out, b_out, hist_out)
# compact extaction of hist data
#x = hist["iter"]
#J = np.array([ p for p in hist["cost"]])
#ws = np.array([ p[0] for p in hist["params"]])
#dj_ws = np.array([ p[0] for p in hist["grads"]])
#bs = np.array([ p[1] for p in hist["params"]])
def run_gradient_descent_feng(X,y,iterations=1000, alpha = 1e-6):
m,n = X.shape
# initialize parameters
initial_w = np.zeros(n)
initial_b = 0
# run gradient descent
w_out, b_out, hist_out = gradient_descent(X ,y, initial_w, initial_b,
compute_cost, compute_gradient_matrix, alpha, iterations)
print(f"w,b found by gradient descent: w: {w_out}, b: {b_out:0.4f}")
return(w_out, b_out)
def gradient_descent(X, y, w_in, b_in, cost_function, gradient_function, alpha, num_iters):
Performs batch gradient descent to learn theta. Updates theta by taking
num_iters gradient steps with learning rate alpha
X : (array_like Shape (m,n) matrix of examples
y : (array_like Shape (m,)) target value of each example
w_in : (array_like Shape (n,)) Initial values of parameters of the model
b_in : (scalar) Initial value of parameter of the model
cost_function: function to compute cost
gradient_function: function to compute the gradient
alpha : (float) Learning rate
num_iters : (int) number of iterations to run gradient descent
w : (array_like Shape (n,)) Updated values of parameters of the model after
running gradient descent
b : (scalar) Updated value of parameter of the model after
running gradient descent
# number of training examples
m = len(X)
# An array to store values at each iteration primarily for graphing later
hist["cost"] = []; hist["params"] = []; hist["grads"]=[]; hist["iter"]=[];
w = copy.deepcopy(w_in) #avoid modifying global w within function
b = b_in
save_interval = np.ceil(num_iters/10000) # prevent resource exhaustion for long runs
for i in range(num_iters):
# Calculate the gradient and update the parameters
dj_db,dj_dw = gradient_function(X, y, w, b)
# Update Parameters using w, b, alpha and gradient
w = w - alpha * dj_dw
b = b - alpha * dj_db
# Save cost J,w,b at each save interval for graphing
if i == 0 or i % save_interval == 0:
hist["cost"].append(cost_function(X, y, w, b))
# Print cost every at intervals 10 times or as many iterations if < 10
if i% math.ceil(num_iters/10) == 0:
#print(f"Iteration {i:4d}: Cost {cost_function(X, y, w, b):8.2f} ")
cst = cost_function(X, y, w, b)
print(f"Iteration {i:9d}, Cost: {cst:0.5e}")
return w, b, hist #return w,b and history for graphing
def load_house_data():
data = np.loadtxt("./data/houses.txt", delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
X = data[:,:4]
y = data[:,4]
return X, y
def zscore_normalize_features(X,rtn_ms=False):
returns z-score normalized X by column
X : (numpy array (m,n))
X_norm: (numpy array (m,n)) input normalized by column
mu = np.mean(X,axis=0)
sigma = np.std(X,axis=0)
X_norm = (X - mu)/sigma
if rtn_ms:
return(X_norm, mu, sigma)